Thursday, 23 February 2012

SHINEE coMeback wiTh Band Konsep!!??

carima taemin!^^

Hi Bl0g!!

Eppy sangat ari nie tau .,!! sebab argh malu la nk cakap.,.,!!
SEBAB... dapat ckap ngan _ _ _ _ _ heheheh ^^ suara die kan serak2 bsah je...die cakap macm bisik hehe.,
tapi Farissa takut die tersalah owg lah... sebab takut die tukar ngan Syafiqa T^T..
 Tapi Farissa tak tau isi hati die lagi.,., takut die nie seorang yg macm khabar angin...still farissa takut die tertukar orng..
 HAri nie ade kem pengawas^^ alaa nanti winduw la kat diorang semua tak kiralah korang semua haVe Fun..!!\

Saturday, 4 February 2012

!! NeWs!!

YA!!! A'skum.,.,~~
i had watch M! pick!! Boyfriend!! and they sing Love Like Oxygen from SHINEE!!!
that shocked me!! u know me ~~ that i love  SHINEE.,., they sing it very welL n thier voice!! OMG daebak!!
 Jeongmin!! from Boyfriend his voice alike Onew!! i just realize after i read some comments,. 


btw he is my fav from Boyfriend!!!
their ucc mission!!